Industry Trends and Analysis

How to Complete a AfCFTA Certificate

The AfCFTA Certificate of Origin will be considered invalid if any of its details are incorrect or do not comply with the Annex, if it contains erasures or overwritten words, or if it has been altered. However, alterations are allowed if the incorrect details are deleted, necessary corrections are added, and the changes are initialled by the person who completed the certificate and endorsed by the officer who signs it.

Box 1:  Provide the full legal name, address (including country), and contact details of the exporter, as well as exporter’s registration number.

Box 2: Provide the full legal name, address (including country), and contact details of the importer.

Box 3: To be completed by the issuing authority

Box 4: Provide the transport details for the vehicle, train, ship, aircraft, or other vessel used to remove the goods from the last port in the exporting country.

Box 5: Label each package with identifying marks and numbers for each exported good.

    • If packages aren’t marked, write “No Marks and Numbers” or “As Addressed.”
    • For bulk goods that aren’t packed, write “In Bulk.” The quantity listed must match the quantities on the invoice.
    • If both originating and non-originating goods are packed together, only describe the originating goods and add “Part Contents Only” at the end.”

Box 6: Provide the invoice numbers, their dates, values and Incoterms, issued for the Goods.

Box 7: State the number of the type of packaging containing the Goods.

Box 8: Provide a full description of the goods

Box 9: Provide the total weight of the goods as shown in the transporters’ documents

Box 10: State an additional statistical measure as may be applicable under the chosen HS Code.

Box 11: Provide the 6-digit HS Code in each line that matches the description of the goods in Box 8

Box 12: enter the Origin Criteria Code

    • WP: wholly obtained
    • SV: Substantial transformation- Value Added Content
    • SM: Substantial transformation – Material Content
    • SX: Substantial transformation – Change of Tariff Heading
    • ST: Substantial transformation – Change of Tariff Sub-Heading
    • SP: Substantial transformation – Process Rule
    • SC: Substantial transformation – Cumulation and state the States Parties with which

Box 13: State country of origin, place, date, and sign. Signatures must be handwritten, not mechanically reproduced or stamped, but electronic signatures or codes are permitted if allowed by national laws.

Box 14: To be filled by Authorities

Box 15: To be filled by Customs Officer

Back Page: To be filled by Customs Authorities