Industry Trends and Analysis

Exporting offers plenty of benefits and opportunities.

The gains to an economy from engaging in international trade are well established. Since World War II, we have seen many countries grow due to rising investments and exports. Japan, South Korea, China, and to some extent, Thailand and Malaysia, are all examples of economies where exports played a major role in driving economic transformation. It has been clear now that strong exports are crucial in driving development.

Let us understand the top Exporting countries worldwide, the products they export, the Value of those products, and to which countries they export them to.

Here we shall also see the rank of India in Exports (worldwide).

We shall be able to check the opportunities in the products India exports, its value, and the countries India exports them to.


India’s exports are at the 19th rank in the world. (without service exports).

Hence, it is imperative that we need to export more from India so that India’s economy gets a lift.

Wishing you the best

Happy exporting!